Refresh your Feeds in Remote Desktop

How to refresh your feeds to resolve issues with Remote Desktop apps

Refreshing your feeds in Remote Desktop is a quick and easy way to resolve issues that you may encounter with your remote apps, especially if you received an authorization error when trying to access Estimator.

Error: The Connection was denied...

If you encounter the above error, simply refreshing your feeds will resolve the issue. Here are the steps:

  1. In Remote Desktop, click on the small ellipses on the right of the application header:
  2. In the drop-down menu that appears, click on Refresh.
  3. The Details window will appear showing the status of the refresh process. Confirm that the Refresh Status progresses to 'Refresh Successful'.
  4. You should now be able to launch Estimator.

If you still encounter an error, or are prompted to login but have forgotten your password, please see the links below.