Estimator version 2023.1.2 Feature Release Notes (Hosted and On-Prem)


Feature 29078: Ability to organize the Estimate View and export it to Excel in a formatted report. To learn how this feature works, click this link Excel Reporting from Estimate View 

Feature 37118: Rename the Grand Total Cost column and add new burdened columns in the Estimate View
  • Burdened Labor Cost
  • Burdened Total Labor Cost
  • Burdened Equipment Cost
  • Burdened Total Equipment Cost
  • Burdened Material Cost
  • Burdened Total Material Cost
  • Burdened Sub Cost
  • Burdened Total Sub Cost
  • Burdened Other Cost
  • Burdened Total Other Cost

Feature 35830: Update fee editor user interface

Bug 37625: Update the estimate view to be more performant when entering quantities 
Bug 36306: Reformat the distributed fees to be more performant
Bug 37059: The decimal precision set in the Estimator preferences is not propagating to the fees grid on the fees editor window
Bug 38117: New Running Totals show up in the dashboard as Subtotals in order to remain backward compatible with existing dashboard formulas

Technical Debt:
Technical Debt 37389: Optimize formulas and the math parser to be more performant
Technical Debt 37702: Profile and optimize enhanced fees to be more performant
Technical Debt 37824: Optimize the subtotal calculation changes to be more performant 

Support Issue:
Support Issue 38068: Performance enhancement for fee calculations and bug fix for fee calculations impacting select customers