Standard Dashboard - Add Additional Fees

The Standard Dashboard supports 25 Fee rows. How to expand the Summary, System Breakdown and Estimate Comparison dashboards to read your full fee table.

If you’re new to editing dashboards, you need to complete the “Dashboards for Beginners” Lessonly course! Reach out to for access.

The Dashboards have access to the most important data from the Fee Editor in the Estimate View via the $$Fees$$ sheet:

  • Fee Order
  • Fee Name
  • Fee % / Lump Sum Amount
  • Fee Cost
  • Fee Type (% Of Direct, Subtotal, Lump Sum, etc)
  • Fee Status (On/Off Checkbox)
  • Fee Distribution (Yes/No)

The Summary / System Breakdown dashboards will, by default, display the pertinent data for up to 25 rows of data in the Fee Editor. On those dashboards, we hide any rows that meet these criteria:

  • All Subtotals rows
  • All Distributed Fees
  • All “Turned Off” Fees

For context – Every line of data in your fee table counts against that default limit of 25 rows. Every fee (On or Off, Distributed or Not) and every subtotal impacts the overall count. If your organization makes use of any of the following completely valid workflows, you might find yourself needing to edit the dashboard:

  • Heavy use of subtotals for calculation purposes
  • High count of distributed fees to support specific workflows
  • Significant number of “optional” or “region specific” fees that are turned off by default

If you need more than 25 fee rows in the dashboard, watch the video below to learn the steps required.