How to Share Power BI Dashboards

A prominent feature of Power BI Dashboards is that there are several easy ways to share them with stakeholders both in and out of the organization. This article will be walking through the various methods and the pros and cons of each one. 

Sharing from desktop

Cost: Free

Good for: Small teams using Power BI internally and individually

You can send each individual their own copy of the dashboard. Each person who needs the dashboard would have their own .pbix file and would need Power BI Desktop downloaded. You should not use this option if you want to have more control of information access. Since everyone has access to the Power BI file, they can make changes and are privy to information that you may want to hide. If you decide to go with this version, please make sure to have a standard copy set in case of any issues. 

Export as a pdf or PowerPoint

Cost: Free

Good for: Traditional external reporting

An easy way to publish a static version of the dashboard is by navigating to File > Export to PDF. In the web service, there is also the option to export as a PowerPoint. Each page in the dashboard will be its own slide/page. 

Publish to a shared workspace

Cost: Pro License for each person who needs to access it

Good for: large teams who use Power BI externally and internally

Information on how to create a workspace can be found here

Publish to the web

Cost: Free

Good for: Sharing information publicly without any licenses

Since this option is free, viewing requires no authentication. Make sure to not publish confidential or proprietary information. The how-to guide for publishing to web can be found here

Send Link to dashboard

Cost: Pro License for each person who needs to access it

Good for: Sharing out to external or internal people who have Power BI Pro 

The how-to guide for sharing dashboards via link can be found here

Embed Report (to website)

Cost: Pro License for each person who needs to access it

Good for: Sharing online to internal and external 

The how-to guide for embedding a report in a secure portal or website can be found here

Embed Report (to Sharepoint)

Cost: Pro License for each person who needs to access it

Good for: Teams that use Sharepoint

The how-to guide for embedding a report to SharePoint can be found here