Release notes for PPE

October 10, 2023

Feature 29078: Ability to send the current Estimate View data, along with fees and dump sheets, to an Excel template using tokens and pre-defined formatting. In order for this to work, users will need to set up an Excel template file first and save it to a shared company drive that anyone can access. After the template(s) are created, a user can then select which template they want to use inside of Estimator and then the data in their current estimate view will be exported into this file.

Features 35859/35860: Implement Fees broken down by WBS Properties and without Subtotals 

Feature 35963: Add Dashboard dump sheets to the Excel reporting 

Feature 3586: Add support for more token 

Feature 37118: Added the following new columns that can be used as part of the Excel reporting to include distributed fees:

  • Burdened Labor Cost
  • Burdened Total Labor Cost
  • Burdened Equipment Cost
  • Burdened Total Equipment Cost
  • Burdened Material Cost
  • Burdened Total Material Cost
  • Burdened Sub Cost
  • Burdened Total Sub Cost
  • Burdened Other Cost
  • Burdened Total Other Cost