This article is for Hosted clients who want to connect to their hosted Estimates Database (DESTINIData) for the purposes of creating a custom Power BI dashboard.
Prerequisites for Database Access
1. Whitelisting, Server Name, Database Name
To gain direct access to your database in the Hosted environment requires having your Company's IP address whitelisted for server access. Please contact Support to request an IP whitelisting.
As part of our standard procedure, when we whitelist your IP, we will also issue you the server name and your database name (the server name and database can also be found in your standard Power BI dashboard issued by Beck Tech, via the Data Source menu).
Due to security considerations, we cannot whitelist personal home IP addresses.
2. Credentials:
When our standard Power BI dashboards are deployed to a client, we also issue a username and password that is used to set up a refresh schedule in Power BI Online. You should have a record of those credentials, and they will be required here. If you do not, please contact Support.
3. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS):
This guide demonstrates database access using SSMS.
Accessing the Database To See the Tables and Views
- Open SSMS
- On the login window, enter the server name and credentials that were provided.
2. Click the Options tab and Enter the database name and click Connect
Power BI Desktop: Updating Credentials
If you have been whitelisted as detailed above, you will also have the ability to open the .pbix dashboard file in Power BI Desktop, where you will be able to quickly view the dashboard or make edits in the Power Query Editor.
When opening in Power BI Desktop, you may be prompted to enter credentials. Here are the steps to do so:
1. Open the .pbix file in Power BI Desktop and click on click on the 'Transform Data' button on the top Ribbon.
2. The Power Query Editor will open and you will see a prompt: "Please specify how to connect'. Click the 'Edit Credentials' button.
3. Select 'Database' on the left menu. Then input the username and password you were issued with your PBI files. Lastly, in the 'Select which Level' at the bottom, choose the option that shows both the server AND your database name (eg.;your_destinidata_ database_name_destinidata).
4. Click 'Connect'.
DESTINIData SQL Views and Descriptions
There are several views that can be used for data analytics. This article will list out those views, their intent, and the fields and descriptions contained within.
We highly recommend that you use these views and not the raw tables since these views will be maintained as the database structure changes.
If you have archive data from prior to your implementation of Estimator, scroll to the bottom of this article for a file that can help you map your old data to the Estimator views for use in Power BI.
EstimateSummaryDataDetails |
Intent: High level summary of each estimate |
Field Name |
Description |
EstimateKey |
The unique identifier for the estimate |
EstimateName |
The name of the estimate. |
VersionName |
The name of the version |
EstimateNumber |
The job number for the estimate. |
ProjectName |
The name of the project. |
ClientName |
The client’s name. |
ClientAddress |
The client’s street address. |
ClientCity |
The client’s city location. |
ClientState |
The client’s state location. |
ClientZipCode |
The client’s postal code. |
TotalCost |
The total cost (direct + indirect) of the estimate. |
TotalCostPerArea |
The total cost (direct + indirect) per total building area of the estimate. |
DirectCost |
The direct cost of the estimate. |
DirectCostPerArea |
The direct cost per total building area of the estimate. |
ProjectType |
The type of the project. |
EstimateStatus |
The status of the estimate. |
CreateYear |
The year the estimate was created in DESTINI Estimator. |
EstimatePropertyDataDetails |
Intent: High level summary of each estimate and its properties. |
Field Name |
Description |
EstimateName |
The name of the estimate. |
EstimateKey |
The unique identifier for the estimate. |
CreatedBy |
The estimator that added the property to the estimate. |
Property |
The name of the property in the project tab. |
Value |
The value of the project property |
EstimateWBSProperties |
Intent: List of WBS Properties in all of the estimates. |
Field Name |
Description |
WBSPropertyName |
The name of the WBS property. |
EstimateWBSPropertyValues |
Intent: List of WBS Properties and their default values in the estimates. |
Field Name |
Description |
EstimateKey |
The unique identifier for the estimate. |
WBSPropertyName |
The name of the WBS property. |
WBSPropertyType |
The type of WBS property (i.e., Estimate specific- or database level). |
WBSPropertyValue |
The default value of the WBS property for that estimate. |
HistoricalCostData |
Intent: Detailed set of line items across an estimate. |
Field Name |
Description |
EstimateKey |
The uniqueidentifier for the estimate. |
Key |
The uniqueidentifier for the line item |
Username |
The name of the estimator that currently “owns” the record. |
Name |
The line item’s item number. |
Description |
The line item’s description. |
Quantity |
The line item’s total quantity. |
Unit |
The line item quantity’s unit of measure. |
LaborPrice |
The line item’s labor unit cost. |
MaterialPrice |
The line item’s material unit cost. |
EquipmentPrice |
The line item’s equipment unit cost. |
SubPrice |
The line item’s sub/install unit cost. |
OtherPrice |
The line item’s other/misc unit cost. |
TotalUnitCost |
The line item’s total unit cost. |
TotalCost |
The line item’s total cost. |
TotalCostPerUnit |
The line item’s total cost per unit. |
CostPerUnitResource |
The resource TotalCostPerUnit is based on. |
DistributedFeeAmount |
The line item’s distributed fee amount. |
DistributedEquipmentFeeAmount |
The line item’s distributed equipment fee amount. |
DistributedLaborFeeAmount |
The line item’s distributed labor fee amount. |
DistributedMaterialFeeAmount |
The line item’s distributed material fee amount. |
DistributedOtherFeeAmount |
The line item’s distributed fee amount. |
DistributedSubFeeAmount |
The line item’s distributed fee amount. |
CreatedBy |
The estimator that added the line item to the estimate. |
LaborResourceGroupDuration |
The line item’s labor duration. |
LaborResourceGroupDurationUnit |
The line item’s labor duration unit. (a number that represents hour, month, days, year, etc.) |
LaborResourceDuration |
The line item’s labor resource duration. |
LaborResourceDurationUnit |
The line item’s labor resource duration unit. |
LaborResourceGroup |
The line item’s labor resource group. |
LaborUnitsPerManHour |
The line item’s labor units per man hour |
QuantityPerLaborResourceUnit |
The line item’s quantity per labor resource unit. |
MaterialResourceGroupDuration |
The line item’s Material duration. |
MaterialResourceGroupDurationUnit |
The line item’s Material duration unit. (a number that represents hour, month, days, year, etc.) |
MaterialResourceDuration |
The line item’s Material resource duration. |
MaterialResourceDurationUnit |
The line item’s Material resource duration unit. |
MaterialResourceGroup |
The line item’s Material resource group. |
MaterialUnitsPerManHour |
The line item’s Material units per man hour |
QuantityPerMaterialResourceUnit |
The line item’s quantity per Material resource unit. |
EquipmentResourceGroupDuration |
The line item’s Equipment duration. |
EquipmentResourceGroupDurationUnit |
The line item’s Equipment duration unit. (a number that represents hour, month, days, year, etc.) |
EquipmentResourceDuration |
The line item’s Equipment resource duration. |
EquipmentResourceDurationUnit |
The line item’s Equipment resource duration unit. |
EquipmentResourceGroup |
The line item’s Equipment resource group. |
EquipmentUnitsPerManHour |
The line item’s Equipment units per man hour |
QuantityPerEquipmentResourceUnit |
The line item’s quantity per Equipment resource unit. |
SubResourceGroupDuration |
The line item’s Sub duration. |
SubResourceGroupDurationUnit |
The line item’s Sub duration unit. (a number that represents hour, month, days, year, etc.) |
SubResourceDuration |
The line item’s Sub resource duration. |
SubResourceDurationUnit |
The line item’s Sub resource duration unit. |
SubResourceGroup |
The line item’s Sub resource group. |
SubUnitsPerManHour |
The line item’s Sub units per man hour |
QuantityPerSubResourceUnit |
The line item’s quantity per Sub resource unit. |
OtherResourceGroupDuration |
The line item’s Other duration. |
OtherResourceGroupDurationUnit |
The line item’s Other duration unit. (a number that represents hour, month, days, year, etc.) |
OtherResourceDuration |
The line item’s Other resource duration. |
OtherResourceDurationUnit |
The line item’s Other resource duration unit. |
OtherResourceGroup |
The line item’s Other resource group. |
OtherUnitsPerManHour |
The line item’s Other units per man hour |
QuantityPerOtherResourceUnit |
The line item’s quantity per Other resource unit. |
Uniformat 1 |
Uniformat Level 1 classification. |
Uniformat 2 |
Uniformat Level 2 classification. |
Uniformat 3 |
Uniformat Level 3 classification. |
Uniformat 4 |
Uniformat Level 4 classification. |
…. |
Any other user defined WBS_Property |
In Power BI, this table is referred to as EstimateCostDataDetails
EstimateFeeDataDetails |
Intent: High level summary of each estimate and its properties. |
Field Name |
Description |
EstimateName |
The name of the estimate. |
EstimateKey |
The unique identifier for the estimate. |
Name |
The name of the fee. |
Type |
The type of the fee (i.e., Lump Sum, Bond). |
EvalOrder |
The order of the fee in the fee table. |
Amount |
The amount of the fee. |
Value |
The value of the fee. |
Distributed |
A boolean of if the fee is distributed. |
CreatedBy |
The estimator that added the fee. |
IsTurnedOn |
A boolean of if the fee is turned on. |
LastUpdatedBy |
The estimator that last changed the fee. |
IsDistributedtoEquipment |
A boolean of if the fee is distributed to equipment. |
IsDistributedToLabor |
A boolean of if the fee is distributed to labor. |
IsDistributedToMaterial |
A boolean of if the fee is distributed to material. |
IsDistributedToOther |
A boolean of if the fee is distributed to other. |
IsDistributedToSub |
A boolean of if the fee is distributed to sub. |
Merging Archive Data From Another System
This document provides a map for customer historical SQL tables to be conditioned to the views supplied by Beck Tech. Some clients have been successful using this map to mash their data with ours for an even longer historical view that predates implementation of DESTINI Estimator.