How to Setup Layouts and Project View Data

DESTINI Estimator - Template Set-Up for filters and layout grouping

Setting up a baseline estimating template in DESTINI Estimator is simple, fast, and flexible.  In fact, various templates can be created with specific or combined filtering (WBS) properties, and custom column headers (using Formulaic WBS), and each template can contain multiple Estimate View layouts.

The process is the same for regular estimates, you can create and save filters and layouts grouping to be used in the estimate. 

In the template, you have the ability to expose fields that users can select when they are starting an estimate from a template, those instructions can be found here

When multiple users are in the same estimate, if one user creates a new layout, grouping, or highlight rule, those changes will not get shown to the new users until they close and exit the application completely. That is because those changes are saved to that user profile that created the new layout, and are not available to the other user until they restart the application. Refreshing is not going to bring in those changes either. 

Project Tab 

Here is an article that shows how to create a template as well as an overview of the Project View. 

When a user clicks on the Project tab, the user will see the pop-up warning below. This is because only one user can be in the Project tab at a time, so if someone is going to update the Project tab, it asks to sync and save all the changes before making any adjustments.