The following information is for On-Prem clients only. Hosted clients who need an estimate re-opened should contact Beck Tech Support.
Closed estimates cannot be re-opened in Estimator - this task requires a database admin to make the change directly within the estimates database in SQL.
The scrips below are used to set a closed version of an estimate back to open. These scripts are to be run by a DBA/ IT Department against the DESTINIData database.
1. Getting the Estimate Key
- Run this script to locate the estimate that you want re-open, and take note of the estimate Key. Use the 'where' statement to narrow down your search by replacing the string inside the percent symbols with all or part of the estimate name.
/******Find the name of the Estimate and version******/
select ev.[key], ev.ClosedDate, ev.notes, est.EstimateName, ev.VersionName
from Estimates est
JOIN EstimateContainers ec on ec.EstimateKey = est.[key]
JOIN EstimateVersions ev on ev.[key] = ec.VersionKey
where est.EstimateName like '%ESTIMATENAME%'
2. Set the Estimate Back to Open
- Now that you have the estimate key, use this script to set the estimate back to Open.
/******Set an estimate to Open that was closed using the VERSIONKEY******/
Update EstimateVersions
set ClosedDate = '0001-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' , Notes = ''
where [key] = N'7B36EA3B-AFF6-EA11-9678-000D3A8FB743'
NOTE: If the estimate is in the Template folder and you want to make it a normal estimate, open the estimate in Estimator, go to Estimate Properties, uncheck the IsTemplate box, and Save.
Set Open Estimate To Closed
If you want to set an Open Estimate to closed status, you can run the following command using the relevant estimate key:
/******Set an estimate to Open that was closed using the VERSIONKEY******/
Update EstimateVersions
set ClosedDate = '2022-12-18 16:00:00.0000000' , Notes = 'CLOSED'
where [key] = N'7B36EA3B-AFF6-EA11-9678-000D3A8FB743'