How To See Who Made the Last Changes to a Line Item

What is the difference between "Estimator" and "Created By"


Several changes and new columns have been added to facilitate the identification of individuals updating a line item.

We will expose the following pieces of data as new columns available to the Estimate View
  • Last Modified By, Displayed as "Estimator"
  • Last Modified Date, Displayed as "Last Updated"
We will rename the following column in the Estimate View
  • Created By, Rename from "Estimator" = "Created By"
We will update the "Last Updated" by data in real-time, as soon as a cost item is updated. 

The new "Last Updated" column displays the date and time when a line item was last modified. When paired with the "Estimator" column, it shows who updated the line item and when. The "Created By" and "Create Date" columns remain unchanged.

Takeoff Summary

In the Takeoff Summary, the "Estimator" is now called Created By. 

In some instances, the "Estimator" tag may cause confusion due to bulk updates or adjustments to decimal precision behind the scenes. This can mistakenly show a user as making an update when they did not. Our team is looking to resolve this issue accurately to ensure the history of changes is portrayed as clearly as possible.