Estimator version 2023.1.2.2 Feature Release Notes (Hosted)


Feature 37814: Double-click to complete sketching within 2D takeoff 


Bug 38239: Export spreadsheet contains incorrect fees if fees are added BEFORE costs
Bug 38243: Importing old estimates does not properly handle Fee Subtotals
Bug 38240: Running Total is treated as Fees instead of Total and is printed in Estimate View Reports when they should not print
Bug 38306: Estimator logging has not worked in the hosted environment since the version 2023.1.0.7 release
Bug 38287: Associating a duplicated assembly with an existing takeoff item when sticky WBS properties were present sometimes crashes the application
Bug 38301: Direct Cost is changing when reopening some estimate


Performance Improvement 38107: Moving fees on a small project are not performant
Technical Improvement 36915: Optimize the Create New Version to be more performant