Feature 32038: Show zero costs and/or quantities as hyphens/blanks instead of zeroes. See how to use this feature here: Blank out zero-cost items.
- Bug 36761: Unable to copy or create a version from Estimate
- Bug 36928: Unable to use Active Directory for web license because of conditional access policy around a specific browser
- Bug 29947: Total Cost category columns in the Estimate View should not prevent line items from rolling up
- Bug 37030: The user is unable to change the Unit Reference of a cost in CIV without adding it to the Estimate
- Bug 37031: Map Takeoff button is not enabled when selecting partial takeoffs of already mapped components
- Bug 37113: Changing WBS Property when multi-selecting line items is impacting quantities of line items with variable mappings
- Bug 37058: Crash with a distributed fee to a WBS category where the cost is 0 and the quantity is 1
- Bug 37138: Unable to map a BIM360 component property to variable question
- Bug 37114: WBS grouping is not getting set correctly between the filtering and the Estimate View
- Bug 37136: Mapping a BIM360 component property to a cost before adding it to Estimate is causing an error
- Bug 35869: Mapping takeoff item variables to supporting line items gets disconnected when drawing more of the takeoff item
- Bug 37150: BIM360 takeoff that was mapped, cannot be mapped to a different material because the add takeoff button is not enabled
- Bug 37166: Cost/Unit column is blank unless you click in the field
- Bugs 32377/24314/36862: Several changes to the highlighted rule around escalation and WBS properties
- Bug 36307: Searching slows down with many estimates in the database
- Bug 36244: Estimator slows down after adding columns to Estimate View
- Bug 36455: Creating a new estimate from a template takes longer than it should
- Bug 36594: Optimize the number of times Fees is told to recalculate
- Bug 36595: Optimize the reevaluation of cost components
- Bug 36596: Remove the unnecessary WBS Takeoff View from the Assembly/Legacy Assembly takeoff user interface shown in the CIV
- Bug 36597: Setting the scale on a PDF page with no takeoff takes a few seconds
- Bug 36622: Optimize the filter view
- Bug 36625: Optimize the Takeoff Summary
- Bug 36647: Optimize drawing/deleting takeoff
- Bug 36624: Optimize navigating the Estimate View around slow performance