Estimator version 2022.1.0.1 (Hosted)

ID Title
24483 FEES - On $$Fees$$ sheet, closing and reopening the estimate scrambles the fees
25308 Add to Estimate button inside Cost Information panel is enabled when no assembly items are ready
25805 Map Takeoff and Review Takeoff buttons should be removed from Estimate Ribbon
26280 Add Validation to check fee was removed
28320 Crash Recovery - Failed to load estimate error
28333 Crash Recovery - Risk loss and continue when importing crash recovery
28336 Crash Recovery - MRU doesn't contain the option to import crash recovery files when accessing after searching for an estimate
28956 Attempting to change UoM for rolled-up line items led to a crash
29087 Crash removing association when model item property mapped to assembly choice variable
29196 Crash when using line item in the template to perform takeoff
29197 Program crashes deleting rolled up line item provided to estimate by template
30110 Estimate Image is lost after creating a new version of an Estimate
30301 Imported Takeoff Palette Items are still using Imperial units even if Create New Items as Metric is toggled TRUE
30403 Clicking Add to Estimate with no line items, then answering assembly questions and tab out resets the answer
30409 Editing a formulaic property in the QTO Widget doesn't display the formula
30429 Scrolling through QTO Properties of takeoff cause  Risk Lost Continue (RLC)
30430 After getting the Error Adding Assembly message, the mapped variable question is zeroed out
30509 Setting a User Define property as formulaic causes an RLC
30517 Cannot change a sticky WBS property value of a LineItem in an Assembly using ellipsis
30521 Crash navigating to a page that cannot be found
30598 Unable to create a version from the Estimates folder if the estimate has an image
30601 Quantity field in Cost Information window shows FORMULA when selecting multiple line items
30683 Modify Line Item button still available
30700 Selecting multiple line items with the same formula in Estimate View displays a line item with a User-Defined Quantity in CIV
30737 The number of Cost Components in CIV doesn't update when multi selecting cost items
30743 Adding '% of Direct' Fee messes up the Total cost label in Filtered Estimate views
30745 Estimator's License is expired  which resulted in multiple tests failing in the pipeline
30748 Remove Add Line Item and Add Assembly Button from the Ribbon in TakeoffView
30749 Slow response clicking on assembly row headers
30799 Quantity in CIV becomes zero when you select single or multiple items of an assembly 
30880 test_script_FindAndSelectLineItemInEstimateViewGrid fails if used multiple times in a test case 
30889 Select in Jobs DB dropdown is not working
30900 Mapping a cost item to a template with a different sticky value gives an error message
30918 Apply Item does not correctly map material to cost
30920 The bulk setting of a Sticky WBS in the CIV blanks out other WBS values
30923 Estimator crashes when changing the name of the takeoff palette after dipping pen
30931 Undo disabled after removing a line item from the estimate
30948 Risk Loss & Continue related to deleting split costs
30965 Select in TakeoffSummary is not clicking the takeoff in the correct spot
30969 Ctrl C and Ctrl V on text items get disabled after copying a line item 
31043 Remove cost item prompt has a typo
31044 Quantity issues with Sticky WBS Properties and assemblies
31076 Removing cost that isn't split out generates 'removed cost' palette item
31077 Increase WaitForExists for CreateOneOffLineItemWindow.SelfInfo
31102 Slowness adding costs and navigating the Estimate View
31152 Creating version and changing the "Current Version Name" results in duplicate estimates
31159 RLC after creating a new version and then selecting a line item in Cost Database