Advisory Client Interest

An Advisory Client is a current DESTINI user with a deep passion for a particular feature or aspect of our software. They are not only enthusiastic users but also experts in their domain who understand the ins and outs of the functionality they love.

The Role of an Advisory Client

1. Voice of the User: Advisory Clients are the voice of the broader user community. They provide feedback, insights, and suggestions that reflect the experiences and requirements of fellow users. By understanding the pain points and desires of these users, we can make informed decisions to enhance the DESTINI platform.

2. Quality Assurance: They act as additional quality assurance testers. Advisory Clients are often the first to identify and report issues or bugs related to their favorite feature. Their feedback helps our development team to address and resolve these issues swiftly, ensuring a seamless user experience.

3. Feature Enhancement: Advisory Clients work closely with our DESTINI development teams to refine and expand the functionality they are passionate about. They help in identifying areas for improvement, new features, and enhancements that align with user expectations.

4. Beta Testing: These clients are usually the first to test new features or versions of the software, providing valuable insights into usability and functionality. This real-world feedback is essential for fine-tuning our products before they reach the broader user base.

5. Continuous Feedback Loop: Advisory Clients maintain an ongoing feedback loop with our teams, ensuring that their recommendations are considered and acted upon. This iterative process ensures that the software continually evolves to meet user needs. Our process requires this feedback which means that all advisory clients must be prepared to allocate time and quickly provide feedback as developments are made to prevent our product releases from being delayed.

How to Become an Advisory Client

If you have a deep passion for a specific feature in a DESTINI product and wish to become an Advisory Client, fill out the interest form on this page. We welcome clients who are dedicated to improving our software and are committed to contributing to its development. Each product release has its own advisory clients so if there are multiple releases planned that you would like to advise us on you will need to sign up for each one. Our teams are happy to help you get signed up!